All the rules, information and safety instructions herein are for your benefit and the benefit of other players. Please obey all the rules, any player found to be consistently breaking the rules will be immediately ejected from the event without a refund.
There is a lot of information to read so please take the time to fully understand all the points contained.
Failure to understand and follow the event rules and information will result in you possibly having a bad experience which Combat will not be held responsible for.
By booking onto this event you confirm that you have read and understand the event rules and risks involved taking part.
If you have a question, or do not fully understand a rule please CONTACT US
Valhalla is a weekend long event comprising of 2 days of airsoft games where the games start and run through the duration of the day. Like a Battle-Sim it is a more tactical type of game using larger game areas, restricted ammo limits and respawn rules are put in place to enhance the realism. The aim of Valhalla is to immerse you in an experience where you are a part of a larger story and play a small part in aiding your team complete a bigger objective.
Valhalla requires you to work with others in a team to achieve the wider objective, there is no room for lone wolves on this type of event and can have severe consequences for your entire teams’ goals and objectives.
We will be using several colours of armbands on this event to help players identify team mates, enemies or other special roles:
General Behaviour
Airsoft is all about honesty, sportsmanship and respect. Whenever in doubt about how to act in any situation not specifically mentioned use your better judgment and remember to keep within the spirit of the game.
Bad sportsmanship and excessive use of foul language is not welcome on any event and will result in you being removed from the event without a refund.
Disrespecting other players, staff or the event area will not be tolerated. Participants found to be abusive to others, cheating or purposely vandalising the venue will be immediately ejected from the event without a refund.
Remember to play by the rules. If you have any notion to break or ignore the rules, we respectfully request you do not attend as you will spoil the event for others who want to take part and have fun.
Lost and Found
Any items found on the game field which is obviously airsoft equipment lost by another player such as a magazine or speed loader should be handed in to a marshal. We will endeavour to return the item to its rightful owner.
Age Limits
Valhalla is restricted to 16+ years due to the nature of the event.
Anyone found with or using drugs will be ejected from the event without a refund.
No player should be under the influence of Alcohol will participating in Airsoft.
On some events which may include a social evening element, alcohol will be allowed to be consumed only when gameplay has finished, and all weapons have been cleared and stored. If the consumption of alcohol has been permitted, we ask all players to drink responsibly. Should gameplay continue the following day and players have overindulged and appear to still be under the influence of alcohol they will not be permitted onto the game fields.
Personal Equipment
All personal equipment is your responsibility to keep secure and Combat will accept no liability for lost, damaged or stolen personal items. Any person found to be attempting to steal other participant’s equipment will be ejected from the event immediately without a refund.
Have Fun
Airsoft is all about having fun, don’t take things too seriously.
Eye Protection
Hearing Protection
Weapon Safety
Safety Signs and Trip Hazards
Slips, Trips and Falls
As already stated, a sturdy pair of boots is required. The most common injuries occurring are sprains, fractures and other sport related injuries. Please always mind your footing taking care when moving across uneven/unstable ground or when wet/slippery.
Pyrotechnic Injuries
Please follow all manufacturer instructions when using pyrotechnics. Never return to unexploded devices.
Please remember to hydrate yourself. These events are physically and mentally demanding and without properly hydrating can result in injury. Fresh water is available at all Combat events.
Weather Exposure
British weather is unpredictable, one second it’s 30 degrees the next its lashing with rain. Having the right gear can save you a lot of discomfort and avoid the risk of exposure injuries such as hyperthermia or heatstroke. Please make sure you check your kit before attending to make sure it is suitable and bring spares as required.
This kit list is the minimum kit we recommend you should bring with you to the Valhalla event. Highlighted in bold/italic are optional items.
On your Person
Assault Pack/Day Sack
Weapon Restrictions
Depending on the weapon you use will define your ammo limits. All participants can carry one primary weapon and one secondary weapon. Grenade launchers/mortars: anyone can carry grenade launchers or mortars on top of their weapons but there is a 5 round limit.
Primary Weapons:
Assault Rifles and SMG’s
Support Guns - Such as a M249, Stoner 96, M60 etc (Not a M4 with a box mag)
Designated Marksman (DMR) - Replicas must be locked to single shot only.
Snipers - Bolt action rifles
Secondary Weapons
Max 3 standard mags no extended or drum mags
Max 10 shells or 100 shots whichever is greater dependant on the type of shotgun
Due to the nature of the venues all ammo must be Bio-Degradable with no exceptions. Anyone caught using regular plastic bb’s will be ejected from the event without a refund and banned from playing at any Combat event in the future.
FPS Limits
All weapons used will have to pass a chronograph test using the weight BB you intend to shoot:
Players can only resupply from a designated resupply point. Loose ammo can be carried on your person but only reload at the designated resupply points. Resupply points are in the game area meaning you are in play while you reload so medic/respawn rules apply.
Only pyrotechnics designed for Airsoft use are permitted. No homemade pyro!
Different types of grenades have different rules associated with them, but all pyrotechnics share the same safety rules.
Frag Grenades
Frag Grenades are defined as grenades that explode such as Flash Bangs, Frag Grenades, Blank Firing Grenades etc.
40mm UGL Rounds/TAG Rounds
Rounds launched from grenade launchers such as TAG 40mm rounds (pyro only not chalk or dummy rounds) are considered frag grenades and have the same rules.
Acceptable mortars are rounds specifically designed to be fired from a mortar tube such as TLSFX/FBS 32mm single bang mortar round.
Electronically Detonated Pyro (Maroons)
Acceptable electronically detonated pyro is any electronic fired pyro designed for use in Airsoft such as FBS MK5 electronic maroons.
Trip wires
Trip wires may not be used to detonate pyro or create obstacles as they pose a significant trip risk.
Blank Firing Weapons
In order to immerse you in the event blank firing weapons will be used by Combat staff, mounted on vehicles and pre-approved participants bringing their own blank firing weapons. If you wish to use a blank firing weapon, please contact us prior to the event so we can discuss adding you to the pre-approved list.
Everyone is to call their hits, NO EXCEPTIONS!
Use common sense when calling hits making it clear you are hit by shouting “HIT” loudly and “DEAD MAN COMING OUT”/” DEAD MAN WALKING” especially if exiting a building under contact.
Cheating will not be tolerated.
Cheat calling will also not be tolerated, if you have a problem with a player not calling hits report it to a marshal or up your chain of command immediately in a calm manner.
Abusive or aggressive behaviour of any kind towards players or Combat staff will result in immediate removal from the event without a refund.
When hit follow the medic rules below.
There is no surrender or “Bang Kill” rules.
Each player will be issued 2 armbands corresponding to their team colour. These are to be worn (1 on each arm).
When hit each player will have one chance to be revived back into the game.
When you are hit drop to the floor or sit against a wall and continuously call for a medic LOUDLY, act out the wound it makes it more realistic and fun. Hold an armband in the air so enemy can see you are hit.
Do not reload your weapon, shoot, or do anything other than call for a medic. Live players may inadvertently shoot you thinking you are a threat.
Carrying Other Players
Some missions may require you to carry wounded to a position or in some situations it may be easier to carry wounded teammates to safety to revive them.
The following methods for moving wounded are acceptable:
If a player “carrying” a wounded player is hit, they are also hit and must put down the wounded player and act wounded themselves.
All respawn points are neutral.
This will be marked off area on the game area boundary containing a clock with Red/Blue/Yellow sections. All are neutral respawn points and can be used by any player from either team throughout the event, but the respawn clock must be observed. You can only respawn when the minute hand of the clock is on your team colour, if it is on the opposing teams colour you will be locked in until it changes. You cannot respawn at your teams FOB/HQ.
Searching Enemies for Intel
DO NOT stop and search enemies (dead or alive) for intel.
All of our buildings do not have a physical roof/ceiling , this is to allow smoke to vent from the building. All building’s are to be treated as if they do have a roof, grenades cannot be thrown/shot over a wall into a building.
Lasers both visible and IR are permitted but must not exceed a power of 5mW Commonly known as Class IIIa or 3R. Lasers of any power should never be aimed directly at a person’s face and only be used for a max 1 second burst.
Sometimes objectives may require you and your team to detain a specific individual. This will usually be a volunteer or actor so remember to remain respectful of their wellbeing.
If you detain a person, you MUST:
Civilian population characters are non-combatants and are identified as wearing civilian clothing with no tactical equipment such as vests, webbing or weapons. CIVPOP are there to enhance your experience.
Entering/Exiting Vehicles
Destroying Vehicles
Comms are a great tool on any event and basic comms discipline must be adhered to in order to get the most out of your communications. All frequencies detailed in the player packs are covered within Combat Airsoft’s Radio licences.
Team comms frequencies will be detailed in your player pack which you receive when you check in at the event.
All players are allowed to have radios to communicate with the other players within their team, however listening to, jamming or spamming/trolling enemy frequencies is considered cheating.
Radio Etiquette
We don’t expect you to have an in-depth knowledge of how to correctly communicate on a radio just a basic level of understanding.
Command and Control
A command-and-control area is set up on all events. The command-and-control area is where game organisers, tech services and the first aid station is located. If you require assistance that the marshals cannot give you in the field report to command and control.
Leaving Game Area
For safety as well as game management reasons you may not just leave the game area without reporting to a marshal. If you are cleared to leave the game area all players must report to the command-and-control area to sign out and must report back into command and control when they return.
If you leave the game area without signing out with the command and control, you will not be allowed to re-join the event and may have to wait at your vehicle until the end of the event. You will not be given a refund in part or in full if you fail to follow this procedure.
Emergencies / Ceasefires
In the event of an emergency on the game field call for a marshal immediately. The marshal will assess the situation and if required call a ceasefire. If the emergency is severe and no marshal is immediately available call ceasefire yourself.
Please do not call a ceasefire for minor issues that do not pose a risk to you or someone else’s health/wellbeing.
In the event a ceasefire is called follow the below procedure:
Evacuating the Area
In the event an evacuation is required a siren will sound. Immediately exit the area and move in a calm manner to the assigned assembly point. (MAIN CAR PARK)
Early Finish
Sometimes it may be necessary to end an event early. While every measure is taken to prevent this happening unfortunately sometimes it may be unavoidable. Should the decision be reached by the admin team to end the event early due to elements out of their control such as but not limited to, adverse weather, safety concerns or player behaviour, players will be notified immediately via any means available.
In the unlikely event an event is stopped before at least 50% of the planned time has elapsed a partial refund of up to half of the ticket price will be offered with the rest retained to cover operating costs for time spent so far.
Please note should any refund be processed; it may take up to 14 working days to process.
Photography and videos for personal use are permitted.
Combat Airsoft
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